The 101 Spark Intensive is a one-week course designed to help you rethink and discover afresh the crazy, beautiful, upside-down Kingdom of God that we were all created to be a part of.
As we focus together on three key stories (The God Story, Your Story, and The Future Story), our aim is to help you explore and discover afresh who God is, who you are, and to reimagine what you could be up to, here on Earth.
Our aim with those 5 days (Oct. 3rd-7th) is that you'd grasp in new ways the beautiful calling and potential that lies inside of you to co-create the future together with God and others. Because God is for you and He is with you. And His longing is to empower you to launch into the future with hope, passion and a deep sense of purpose and direction!
Friends, the Kingdom is at hands and
its truth is meant to fuel our lives!

You will get a fly-over for some of the core teachings of our 101 Spark DTS:
- Bible - the big picture
- God's communication and His relational nature (Father, Son, Spirit)
- Biblical worldview
- Discipleship as image-bearers
- Identity, Vision & Calling
- Missions, Church & Evangelism 2.0

You will have the time and space to process all that you are learning in the context of a small group. There you'll have the possibility to engage in meaningful conversations, ask questions and pray for one another.

You will be empowered & encouraged to grow a deeper passion for God, as we spend time exploring the beauty, joy and freedom found in a lifestyle of prayer and worship.

Together, we will initiate various projects - mixing creativity, community building, and social impact. You will get to function in smaller teams and grow in your ability to co-create with others.

''Creativity is the natural result of healthy spirituality''
At the core, you were created to create and the program will provide you with input and opportunities to grow in using your gifts and abilities in ways that bring life, hope and beauty into the world.

You will get to meet new people from different corners of the world and together, live out community life.